This Blog
I stole most of the design language for this blog from Gregory Gundersen with consent implied by How I Built this Blog.
I find jekyll and similar systems too opinionated on folder structure. Static site generators all seem to demand you structure your website a certain way.
I want to ensure I never break links, so I am running a custom static site generation toolchain using:
- python
- frontmatter
- Watch out for "no tabs in YAML".
- jinja2
- I don't think I would use jinja in prod, but it is great for offline use.
- mistune
- I had some trouble managing the plugins, but the default parser does everything I want.
I like putting basically all the configuration required into frontmatter. The script itself is actually simple enough to cite here:
# scan the content of the blog
import glob
files = glob.glob("content/" + '**/*.md', recursive=True)
# resources
import frontmatter
resources = [frontmatter.load(f) for f in files]
tags = {}
# build an index of tags to pages
for r in resources:
if "_tags" in r.keys():
for t in r["_tags"]:
if t in tags.keys():
tags[t] = [r]
# apply templates to resources
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("templates/"))
import os, os.path
def safe_open_w(path):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
return open(path, 'w')
import mistune
for r in resources:
template = environment.get_template(r["_template"])
output = template.render(args=r, content=mistune.html(str(r)), tags=tags)
for o in r["_targets"]:
with safe_open_w(os.path.join("output/",o)) as fp:
With this, I generate my articles. I can use the tag system to procedurally generate my indexes and rss feed.